If somebody is talking about something different than what you are talking about. It usually implies that if you continue to "talk tacos" while I am trying to push across a certain agenda, violence will ensue. Originated as a response to somebody suggesting that because there was no halal cart open (for chicken and rice), late on a Saturday night, a nearby taco cart would have to suffice.
Thomas: Yo, I really want some chicken and rice, we should go down to 53rd and 6th.

Erik: I need some cnr.

Eric Weiser: Yeah, my mom won't let me stay out that late we should just get tacos at the cart on 96th and bway.

by TOMMITOMMI12 December 9, 2008
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what u do when u have nothing serious to talk about
I be talkin ish all the time.
by Kia242 May 26, 2006
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When someone says they are "talking about it", they are saying that they would/would like to have sexual intercourse with the designated person.
*Paul and Andrew see a hot girl walk by*
Paul: you Talkin Bout It?
Andrew: yeah fool, talkin bout it..

*Paul and Andrew see a skeezer walk by*
Paul: talkin bout it?
Andrew: hell no fool, not talkin bout it..
by SUPDEN123 July 8, 2011
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a guy who can talk to girls really easily, from hannah montana song 'He Could Be The One'
smooth talkin'
so rockin'

he's got everything a girl wants
by JessicaGarlai March 6, 2010
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When the comversation dwells on health food or a suggestion for a healthier alternative to one's choice for a meal.
"So I was just about to bite into my Big Mac, when this chick starts chive talkin' me on salad!"
by Ankle Rub May 9, 2008
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A funky, 70's-style approach to discussing the culinary arts.
Hey Chad, I dig the spices you put on these potato skins. They got me chive talkin'.
by jboyardee October 4, 2007
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Same as "Talkin Shit" Putting a person down with the worst possible words you can think of. Whether they are true or not. It's all about makin them cry.
When people are about to fight they will be talkin as much trash as possible in order to get the other one to back down. It's also used in sports when 1 team will always be talkin trash on the other.
by Thot4life February 13, 2015
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