holier than thou, abbreviated form of
he was known for his h/t/t attitude w/r/t the issues of climate change and personal responsibility
by the late great July 7, 2009
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A term used when a female sticks her body out of an Audi TT sun roof only to take her shirt off and do a drive-by flashing with her tits.
Guy 1: Whoaaa, did you see that chick pop out of that Audi sun roof with her tits all out?!?!?!

Guy 2: Sure did, she had some fine ass Audi T-T's. I love spring break !!
by TommyBecks March 1, 2011
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To wish bad on someone, instead of saying "I hope he dies" you could say "I dutt on him" or, if you're doing it for shits and giggle, you could say "I dutt on anyone named Samantha."
We D U T T on anyone named Bartholomew.
by canigetauhhhhhhhhanimetiddie December 21, 2017
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One who is not physically homeless but demonstrates transient/homeless characteristics.

Such as:

Random outburst ignited by just about anything.

Mood swings that start off with smiles and end up with anger tantrums or vice versa.

Philosophical moments of which he/she feels they have reached enlightment and therefor can give life advice in a condescending manner.
You: Hey, how is going?

T-T / Transient Temper response: Fuck off, I hate you!

You: I need help, can you give me a hand?
T-T / Transient Temper response: I feel sorry for you.

You: I am not going to finish the fries, do you want them?
T-T / Transient Temper response: I don't want your fucking charity! Fuck you and die!
by Tenoch Itzel October 17, 2010
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a childhood joke that pervertied little kids play on inicent little kids. They will tell you to look down your shirt and spell out attic. You then say A-T-T-I-C. How wrong
johnny: Hey Bill, look down your shirt and spell attic.
Bill: ok (looks down shirt) A-T-T-I-C
Johnny and friends: haha bill's a weirdo
by Mic August 5, 2004
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It is what we do to Medium Waffle niggas in the war started by meme star @__extendo__
by JayGodly December 20, 2017
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Ratio of tit to torso. Used to compare the size of a woman's tits to the size of her torso and vice versa.
Guy 1: Damn, that girl's T to T is insane!
Guy 2: I know, her tits have to be fake, cuz they are WAY too big for that body.
Guy 1: For sure, I just wish my girlfriends T to T was that good. Her tits should be way bigger.
by Vultrex480 July 24, 2023
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