Sharon: "Why isn't there any toilet paper left? WaAh!"
Me: "You bought ten rolls yesterday, Sharon..."
Sharon: "I wAnT tO sEe YoUr MaNaGeR!!!"
by WhY_aRe_We_StIlL_hErE? December 5, 2020
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"Is that an SUV pulling up?"
"Oh bollocks, it's a Sharon."
by I made you read this. May 20, 2020
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A Sharon is a well-intentioned yet misguided person who has difficulty with following directions. This inability to properly execute tasks, such as on clearly labeled prepared foods, leads to epic holiday fails. The only recourse? To blame the manufacturer. Many people think this is absurd however quite ridiculously funny as well.
One Thanksgiving, Sharon yeeted a pumpkin pie into the sun (though some have argued that it may actually have been satan’s asshole or hellfire) and the scorched pie was the stuff of nightmares and endless memes. The real tragedy, however was when Sharon left a review on the pie maker’s company website “thanking them for ruining Thanksgiving.”
by FlexiWheeler December 8, 2021
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By far one of the most amazing person you can meet. She is: silly, kind, sweet, and downright gorgeous. She can make you smile and make your day so easily. By far the definition of a keeper
Gosh Sharon is so amazing!!!!!
by tubaguy98 December 4, 2016
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Once you meet a Sharon, you'll say to yourself "Where have you been all my life?", once you meet them, however, you'll feel like you've known them for longer than you really have, they're the kind of people that make you fall more in love with them the more you get to know them, because they're everything you've ever wanted in a person.
Person 1: Dude, i met this girl named Sharon a couple days ago, and she's just so perfect, just UUGHH

Person 2: Wow congrats, bro!
by TheBlackLotus December 21, 2016
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A girl who is kind and compassionate and has a very good pereonallity but all Sharon's are very lazy. But there worth shot!
"Did you here about Sharon in the school she has a very great personality I herd she's very kind, man I want me a Sharon!"
by Sharon g June 15, 2015
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She is beyond amazing. you know you can count on her for anything . shes such a sweetheart but be careful cause the moment you do her wrong she us done with you and then you will realized what a wonder person you had lost . She would make the best girlfriend I swear. Though she is a bit stubborn .
" sharon is such a hard worker in class."
" I know for sure that I can count on sharon for the party planning ."
by Batman 101 December 22, 2016
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