ANOTHER term for beatin' the meat. When you get out a hand warmer, you normally shake it real hard so it will warm up faster. Kind of same emphasis with the meat part.
John: Oh my god, Alex, your face is so red! And you're out of breath! And there's a stain on the carpet! What did you DO!?

Alex: Oh, you know. I was just shaking the hand warmer.
by Diesektd Frawg May 1, 2009
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person 1: is dat a new shirt bruv?
Person 2: Yer man
by CG October 10, 2003
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A hand shake where a brotha is being real agressive upon first meeting and drags you in for the hug
Bro 1: yo whats up man, nice to meet you
slingshot hand shaker: yo whats up man (offers a hand, and yanks bro #1 in for the hug)
by flopmaster5000 July 27, 2010
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Used in the exchange of drugs, a double hand shake is where you shake both of the dealers hands in your opposite hands, i.e right with right, left with left, and swap over the goods.

He takes the money out of your right hand whilst you take the dope/MDMA whatever with your left.
Used to disguise the transaction.
Dude you got my dope?
Yeah let's double hand shake so that guy over there doesn't see.
by Millzersrers February 13, 2009
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a "hand shake" given to a male by an uffy. the "hand shake" takes place in the male nether region. it is given when an uffy wants to determine if the male is suitable or large enough for bedding.
uffy hand shake originated when muffy, buffy, and fluffy noticed that a man can see if a woman has large breasts. and the man can decide if he wants to go out with her. but a female has no way of knowing if a man has a big one or not. hence the need for an uffy hand shake.
"fluffy, did you give gary the uffy hand shake before you had sex?", asked muffy.

"yes, and he had a prince albert too!"

duffy was so sad and bummed out that biff had a small wanker.

"hey duffy, you should have given him the uffy hand shake."
by robyn cason January 14, 2008
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when someone jacks off in public and noone finds out about it
Ryan St.Clair was Secret hand shaking himself during 7th period in public and noone noticed
by Mike from school December 8, 2004
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A sexual move inwhich one person is positioned behind another. The rear person reaches through the front persons legs(male), cups the testicals and inserts the tumb on the same hand, into the anus.
I was bent over in bed, and the next thing I knew she was behind me giving me a southside hand shake!
by THE Tommy Ballgame August 24, 2010
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