a term for the hole in the side of a bowl used to fill the pipe with smoke.

synonymous with carb
bob was looking to buy a pipe, but did not because none of them had a rush
by Ümbra July 19, 2004
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the apparent 'high' that a certain obviously goody two-shoes feels (initials of D.K.) when ever he does something remotily sneaky, which is in no way bad at all, but he thinks so anyway. basically its the 'thrill' experienced by un-bad kids who do something like steal a pencil or backdoor their buddy and not have the common courtesy to give them a reach around (long live full metal jacket)
shit, K just snuck into the PACC, hes high on the rush!
by El Ladron October 21, 2005
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An attempt to attack a specific target in a fast and noticeable matter.
Oh shit look, those niggas are going to rush those skaters!!
by BrianLim March 12, 2004
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Rush: a chemical inhaleant that was originally created and popularized on the streets of colimbia. it comes in a small brown vial and is consumed by inhaling the fumes. this produces a short intense high about 10-15 seconds after inhaling. it is legal in the united states.
"Hey, you want a hit of this rush? Take a sniff."
by miamigirll September 22, 2008
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A multiplayer strategy that is popular in real time strategies (aka Starcraft, Warcraft, Age of Empires, Empire Earth, etc). It is when a player makes a half-assed army ASAP to catch their oppenent off guard and ensuring a victory. Instead one should take the time to upgrade your army and building a defense first. Personally, I think it is a very nooby way to play (many will object) because almost no skill is envolved. Also, what is the point in buying a multiplayer RTS when you will finish the game in 5 minutes.
Noob- "Dude, I just finished playing Starcraft online."
Experienced Player (EP)- "How did it go?"
Noob- "Well, all I did was make 12 Zerglins and pwned the other guy as soon as I could."
EP- "So in other words, you were rushing?"
Noob- "Well...yeah."
EP- "Wanna take me on?"
Noob- "Sure!"
(EP continues to school the noob by actually taking TIME to play)
by chyea! July 11, 2006
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To be high on caffeine. The equivalent to being drunk when you drink too much alcohol. Being "rushed" can be done in many ways, whether it's drinking a large amount of energy drinks, eating/snorting caffeine pills, or trying to get rushed on a simple soda.

Whether or not you should attempt to get rushed lays within how much you weigh and how well your body can absorb caffeine, much like alcohol. Attempting to do so when you're not ready can result in serious health issues, including death. So drink when you're an expert (and when you're a long-time addict), kids.
This Saint Patrick's Day, I'd like to go out and have fun just like the other adults. Unfortunately because I'm younger than twenty-one and the consumption of alcohol is illegal, I'm going to party it up and get rushed with my favorite little drug, caffeine.
by Caffeine Addict Anonymous March 14, 2007
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Short-lived orgasmic state you get when taking a good hit of a powerful drug (meth, smack, crack, etc) smoked or I.V.
That's why it's so much more addictive and tolerance forming these ways.
*Slams 100mg of crystal*... **GREENLIGHT**!!!!
by QuartzRox September 9, 2004
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