A male is on top of a female having sex when a group of people rush into the room to startle them. The male tries to stay on the female for eight seconds while she is trying to get up. Just like riding a bull, hence the name rowdy cowboy.
The girl was startled when we busted into the room so Bill had to play the rowdy cowboy.
by Al Tonen April 6, 2004
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All the mad dogs that are rowdy as fuck

Eg. Drew R, Jack M, Jake C, Shane O and Annalisa S
Drew, jakey boy, Jack and Ben hunter are the rowdy bunch
by The rowdy bunch November 9, 2014
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Its When Someone says something that they think is fun or interesting But, Its Really Not Then Someone Else Might Say Howdy Rowdy, which is Kinda The Same As Cool Story Bro
Bob: Yesterday I had So Much Fun With Fred We Had A Party

Tom: Well, Howdy Rowdy !
by MaceyBieber December 27, 2011
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Stepping things up ; taking things to the next level.
Person #1 - "I benched 90kg today!"

Friend - "Mate, you're going on rowdy."

Person #1 - "Yeah I'll have a double JD and coke please."

Friend - "Na mate, triples, we're going on rowdy."
by Arnold J. Vadgehammer October 17, 2007
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Taken from the 7th season of 'Scrubs', in reference to J.D. and Turk's stuffed dog, Rowdy. When a women's fetal girth gets in the way of sex, one needs to mount her 'Rowdy style', as to not damage the fetus.
"Your wife is so hot pregnant! What's it like mounting her Rowdy style?"
by KissingChaos October 2, 2007
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Rag used to clean the mess up after masturbation.
My rowdy rag is hidden between the mattress and box spring.
by Andrew Stump June 14, 2005
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letting your kaboose loose - as coined by Vlad G
Where's Mike?
Taking a rowdy, he'll need a minute
by thisisvladg July 8, 2023
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