When an older male or female dates(among other things) someone significantly younger than they are
Man Colin's brother had playground fever for that freshman!
by joannabarry September 13, 2008
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I wasn’t abusing you, I was just flirting. It’s called playground banter.

Your fit.
by Playground banter March 2, 2020
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An insult; pertaining to weak or child like behavior thus, incapable of defending ones self in a physical or verbal capacity.
That girl whooped Craig's ass last night, he looked like a real playground boy
by Slurmz April 14, 2016
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Someone who is into underage persons
She went out with a younger individual therefore she is a playground poacher
by swag4tron November 10, 2014
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Noun: Talking inappropriately loud.
Cool it with the playground voice, I'm not deaf.
by Lohmis Merman March 16, 2007
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when Consuela goes to the thrift store she lets her 7 kids run around at the Mexican Playground.
by young_Simba January 22, 2017
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