typically unoriginal and unused nickname for future Nationwide-Leaguers Leeds United
Get a real nickname!!
by George Baker February 11, 2004
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1.Raising your arms wide and high above your head to show someone that you are not afraid and are willing to fight them. Offen the precursor to all bar fights.

2. An all inclusive gesture to ask some douchebag 3 questions. 1) Do you have a problem? 2) What's your problem? 3) What are you going to do about it?!
Guy 1.Dude, I think shit is about to go down!
Guy 2. Why? What's going on?
Guy 1. I don't know but Joe is peacocking that guy right in his face!
by 5marktwain February 5, 2014
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When one, male or female, spreads ones legs in a fashion that suggests invitation in a seductive manner. Usually involves lifting ones leg I'm propped style with the pelvic region thrusted outward.
The man in sitting at the bar is Peacocking in our direction.

All credits go to Nikmarroll the team No Fucks!
by Nikmarroll October 31, 2014
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When a lady finds an attractive mate so she breaks her spine so her ass and tits assume to be larger then they really are.
Tiffany: Ashley what the fuck are you doing to your spine?

Ashley: I'm peacocking so he'll thinks my ass and tits look bigger.
by CukieMonster May 25, 2016
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<name for a girl or female who thinks she is much better than anyone else>
person: "..and yeah, she said that everyone at that party was totally lame and she d rather spend the night anywhere else"
person2: "that gal's such a PEAcock!"
by eli.za.bet.h June 16, 2009
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A person whos truck is worth more than his house.
"that guys got a real nice truck, he must be a peacocker."
by JERKFACE63 September 24, 2017
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A fabulous gay man that's always strutting his stuff. Prancing around like he's The Shit on a runway.

FruitFly's love them.
You see that gay man over there? he's so fabulous.

I know! He's such a peacock!
by AarBear'sGayStraightLover April 10, 2011
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