after a 'treatment' with my workout partner, both of us positively GLOWED!

my workout partner and i 'ground' each other's troubles away!
-more satisfying than a conservative counting their money!!
by michael foolsley May 29, 2011
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Someone who is single but doesn't want to date anyone.
Ugly guy: Are you single?

Girl: No, I'm self-partnered.
by lia00 November 7, 2019
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your significant other; someone you can depend on to help you get shit done! Your Boo
Whew, I'm glad we finally finished that project! Gimme five my "partner in crime"! Crime meaning a good thing philosophically speaking.
by Shelly Rae May 8, 2007
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A person who you are interested in but need an excuse to get close to particularly by means of the innocent "need" for higher grades through "studying." Someone who is looking for a study partner usually just wants some alone time with a person.

A study partner is a person you are interested in and want to get to know better and maybe even date (sex is very common but not the ultimate end goal).
"Is that Evan? He looks like he would be a great study partner."
"Yeah, Britney is my study partner. So I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious."
by Snailed It September 30, 2015
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A program offered by YouTube which has many perks, such as your video being promoted by YouTube themselves, the ability to make a banner for your channel and customize it more than a non-partner's channel, and more recognition by the YouTube community as a whole. You also get paid by YouTube to sell out by advertising products in your videos.
Person A: "Dude, Smosh used to be awesome, but now they're just sellouts."

Person B: "What do you expect? They're YouTube Partners, they get paid by YouTube to advertise products in their videos."
by Zapdos90210 November 26, 2010
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A person that commits a crime with you/someone.
My fall partner and I got away clean.
by Willy QQ April 3, 2016
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Anything or anyone can be partner. You are basically meaning they are lame, not cool, totally partner.
using "partner" is very versatile, and can become quite offensive when used repeatedly in social groups. personally, to be called a dumbass or loser is much better than being called a partner.
For someone that you don't like you would say "He (or she)is partner!"
If that person is with someone else, you could say that they are "creating a partnership" or "shipping parts."
usually idiots and your boss are partner.
situations are partner: 'i don't want to go to that partner house filled with partners shipping parts left and right.'you don't want to be around partnershippers.
by beverly lathrup November 2, 2006
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