Pro-Choice is generally referring to supporting, but not limited to supporting a woman's full range of reproductive rights; to continue a pregnancy to birth, terminate a pregnancy or carry the pregnancy to term and give the child up for adoption.
In recent years Pro-Choice has been extended to mens reproductive choices, health and options to choose vasectomy, celebacy, and/or intact and natural.
She was Pro Choice on her reproductive options.
by Anon-in-Illinois October 27, 2005
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see also pro-choice. One who advocates the legality of abortion.
Bob is pro choice.
by mrmcd December 13, 2003
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Someone who believes that abortion should be legalized.

There is a differance between pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life people want to stop abortion because they think it is wrong. Pro-choice people may think abortion is a good or bad thing, but they want women to have the right to do it even if it's not a good choice to make.
Josephine is pro-choice, because even though she thinks abortion is wrong she believes in womens rights.
by Newbia June 10, 2004
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An American political stance characterized by the idea that abortion is a pregnant woman's right, as guaranteed by Roe v Wade. Compare to pro-life.
by Anonymous November 15, 2003
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A person who does not wish to be in a relationship. They value their independence and do not feel they need to have a boyfriend / girlfriend / husband / wife to gain validation. People who are single by choice may still go out or date casually, but do not chose to be in a long term committed relationship.

Not to be confused with playas, pimps, hoes, etc, who stay out of committed relationships in order to justify their promiscuity.

People who are single by choice may also be so because their friends, family, society, etc, would frown upon, discriminate, or persecute them because of the relationship they are in. For example, same-sex couples, mixed race couples, etc may say that they are "single by choice" when in fact they are in a relationship, but do not wish to acknowledge that they are to people who may be hostile.
1. Mark is single by choice. He dates sometimes but values his independence too much to get involved long-term.

2. Erin is a successful businesswoman who wants the freedom to have a carreer, travel, and make her own choices in life. Therefore she is single by choice.

2. Jessica must live in her own apartment and tell her racist family that she is single by choice, because they would not approve of her black boyfriend.
by circumlocution November 6, 2006
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It isn't what you want the most. But you can live with it if you don't get your first choice.
You can also get second choiced by something you want. Then the decision is out of your hand. They have the power to choose.
Jane got ranked for her job interview. That means she didn't get offered the job. Instead the employers will hire her if the first person doesn't take the job. Jane is their second choice, a fall back option
by HWD October 25, 2008
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Slang for the "Sam's Choice" brand of discount sodas sold at Wal-Mart. Particularly the standard Coca-Cola knockoff. Short for "choice beverage". Famous for its odd yet addicting flavor, and ridiculously cheap price.
"Hey Nate, can I grab a Choice Bev?"
by Doc Jowles December 21, 2005
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