Man my neighbor Dustin is a real Nork for kicking it with that crack head kelly.
by CikeMase May 23, 2011
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(adj.) A description of a noun that acquires mixed qualities between a nerd and a dork.
Wow, you'r such a nork!
by Jessie Li August 10, 2008
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A crossbreed of a nerd and a dork. Sometimes referd to as a Nerk. Cannot be beat in a name-calling-war. (AKA: The King of ALL Names)
Person 1: You're a Nork!
Person 2: A what???
Person 1: You know, a crossbreed of a nerd and a dork
Person 2: Well you're a----
Person 1: Don't even try! The name "Nork" cannot be beat!
by Cedar (Queen of Norks) May 4, 2008
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Norking by defenition is an overload of the senses such as loud music, vibrant colors, and an excess of social interaction.

Also like an adjective to describe something very fun
I was out of it because i was norking all night.

Or That party was norking.
by Alex Norkus January 22, 2006
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a place only for the managers. 7-eleven is everywhere, people on clouds, a slurpeeee temple. vacation there? always ;)
cooper: hey let’s go to yew nork!
person 2: yass slurrrrpeeeeee time
by 7-eleven January 12, 2019
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An annoying hybrid of nerd and dork.
Stop dancing like a nork... people are watching.
by fagbasket April 7, 2008
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To have intercourse like in the back seat of a car. Similar to nookie.
I looked into the back seat and there they were norking.
by bondertot March 16, 2009
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