N. a term used to describe almost everything, to an extreme. other terms may include "nails on a board" or "rusty nails on a warped board" if its really bad or good.
"your as dumb as nails, man."
"im as tired as nails"
"fuck im as bored as rusty nails on a warped board."
by Mark Boulger October 21, 2006
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contraction of "Semi-permanent nails"

Came from a mis-hearing of "I really need some more semi-permanent nails" it was thought that she'd said: "I really need some more sex"

also "doing your nails" is masturbation.
equally: "Doing his nails" would be a handjob or whatever.
"I haven't had nailed for weeks"

"I need to get some nails"

"I'm sick of these boring nails"

"Go away! i'm doing my nails!"
by Hatter July 12, 2004
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this is a slang word meaning "bad" or "Shite" It was first used in Longford in Ireland.
"Ah this football match is nails........"

by Lotharrr November 27, 2007
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masturbation- as in he does his "nails".
jebus does his nails almost every day thinking of the short one
by apple man May 4, 2005
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A nail file can be used to shape your nails to prevent hurting a pussy when fingering it.
I saw in a video that it is recommended to cut and shape your nails before fingering a woman. I never thought a nail file could be useful for a man also!
by Find a Wingman January 12, 2020
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