¨That dude a Matis¨
by November 23, 2021
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A Matis is an overly sexy mfs
¨That dude is a Matis¨
by November 23, 2021
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Matis are really nice, kind, fun and caring. They are beautiful inside and out and aren’t afraid to say what they think. They don’t really care what you think about them. Matis can make you laugh and they always have a smile on there face. They can really make your day. They have a personality to die for. People either love him or hate him. But it’s hard not to. She’s very smart when she wants to be and it very social. One of a kind best friend. This is a type of man to keep in your life for a very long time.
Mati your so pretty. Lol why are you so funny Mati.
His so mati.
by JohnyNoName November 21, 2021
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The once in a lifetime opportunity to see a zoot worse than a Kuba roll.
'Holy shit man, what the fuck have you done?'

'Com here guys, I just witnessed a Mati Phenomenon!'

*sees a really shitty rolled zoot*
by gunykxx May 8, 2023
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a group of few fuckers that want to be exactly the same like one of my best friend. they're acting like him, wearin similar clothes, two of them even got a hairstyle like he does. every "wannabe Matys" almost admires him, but he hates this act of copin his own style. they're also suckin to him every moment and it's so pathetic. he's always gettin fuckin angry when they're doin such things.
1) wannabe Matys nr.2: hey, Matys, wouldn't be great if we all buy this same shirt and then wear it in the sql?
my friend: fuck off, ya mothetfuckin wannabe!

2) plumber: look Mateo, I've bought you flowers, I love you, I don’t want to be like you, I WANT TO BE YOU!!
by Janczor April 6, 2007
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