Filthy Casual” is a term used on message boards and in comments to negatively describe a gamer who only plays casual games, or a game in any genre that requires a low level of commitment and often has simple gameplay.
"don't touch me, you filthy casual"
by TimelapseOtaku November 24, 2013
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Some absolute betafag who goes by the moniker 'Cruelty'. What on earth mate, cruelty ahahahaha.
by JudasParsons July 9, 2014
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The act of having a few brews with the bros in a chill enviroment.
Hey man what are you doing later?

Probably just watching the game and having a few casual dats with the boys at my place.
by peteskete February 27, 2011
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The type of attire one would wear to a garden party*. Such garments include button down shirts, polo shirts, sweater vests, bow ties, khakis, etc.

Synonym: Preppy

Origin: Derived from "Connecticut" latin for "land of the rich and waspy" and "casual" meaning "relaxed and comfortable apparel". The term was coined by Andy Bernard, Regional Manager of the Dunder Mifflin/Sabre Company.

*Garden Party: A dignified picnic or barbecue but better. It's quieter and there are rules.
What's the dress code for this Garden Party?

I'm glad you asked, Connecticut Casual.

Any chance Connecticut Casual is Pennsylvania Business?
by TheOffice2011 October 17, 2011
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When your casually drinking with no intention of getting that drunk and you end up blacking out.
Mike had a casual blackout last night after saying he wasn't drinking more than a few.
by FlanFleebird December 2, 2010
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A casual hookup would be somebody you bang often with no feelings, no strings attached, but you don't wanna bang others.
Jerry: I might just text Jessica so we can bang
Tim: isn't that going to complicate things?

Jerry: nah, we just casually hookup. No feelings, no strings attached. It's just a casual hookup.
by Shawana January 4, 2016
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Casual cunting is the social practice of calling someone a cunt, without it meaning anything. First named casual cunting by the well known comedian, Micky Flanagan.
Person 1: why are all your shoes on top of mine? You cunt...

Person 2: is that supposed to be casual cunting?
by Lgill July 8, 2014
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