The freshest chef makes the hottest mixtapes
Caught onto hueys mixtape, so hot it beats it jalapeño sauce from last nights Ep
by Huey4life May 4, 2015
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hueiwen would be a kind and generous girl who cares for others around her. 🫶🏼she may be rude sometimes, but do know she doesn’t mean it all of the time! 😓she would seem like she’s cheerful and is doing fine. she would appreciate the little things you do for her! such as giving her a card or telling her thank you.🥳 she would only be the ray of sunshine around the right people and a dark gloomy figure for others.😎😰 her dazzling smile would make someone’s day just by seeing her! 🥰hueiwen would remember small details about you. such as ur favourite colour, birthday, and maybe even your phone brand ✨ ! she’s an excellent secret keeper and will never spill something u wouldn’t like.😎 hueiwen laughs at everything and might rush to get some things done because of reckless time management 😰 she would NEVER break a promise. u might not want to get on her nerves! hueiwen might be a bit annoying but I’m sure she’s just having fun with you. she might be great at making people feel like they are at least somewhat worth and like a pure gemstone. she doesn’t talk about herself a lot as she thinks not a lot of people would want to listen to her 😓. SHE CARES FOR MOSTLY EVERYONE! LOVES HER FAMILY FRIENDS AND RELATIVES THE MOST AND REMEMBERS THE MEMORIES YOUVE MADE TOGETHER. she that’s all I have to say.🥳

thanks for taking some time reading this, hope this explains at least some of the huei wens / hui wens out there!! -hwn !!
having a huei wen in ur life is seeing sunshine in the dark and gloomy sky. you would need a huei wen in your life!
by huei wen March 3, 2023
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A Korean Boy that is very tall. He likes racist jokes and pulling teacher's underwear. He is kind of handsome due to Lames Dermatology. He has nice friends that are also sexy. He is part of a ruthless gang called NORO. His braces are magnificent and his wong is very big.
Mom, I want to be Huey Lim when I grow up!!
by SuperDuperGuy6974 November 22, 2021
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A nerdy drop-dead gorgeous girl. Girls who belongs with MARKS the "god like creature". These two go together like Bonnie and Clyde. Huey Yuans enjoys studded condoms, but wont have sex until marriage. Huey Yuans dig Pedobears and enjoys the constant stalking. :)
Oh dayym, everybody wants to be Huey Yuan.
by PEDOBEAR123423 May 23, 2011
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David sure will never be the same after pulling a huey last night.
by vaginal pride gangsta August 28, 2010
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David sure will never be the same after pulling a huey last night.
by V pride gangsta August 28, 2010
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Noun. Loosely translated from Chinese as the “blossom of the village.” A woman that is characterized by her loud mannerisms and a perchance for flowery prints. Her fashion-sense is suspect, but deep down she hides a heart of gold for all things good in this world.
“Have you met Marchelle? She’s such an Aah Huey!”
by marczjr November 23, 2021
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