To be given somthing for free or at a discount usuly by a Homie.

Background from , hook me up to the obvious been hooked-up
Ive been hooked-up like a tow truck
by my buddy @ Budwiser.
by Heavy M January 27, 2005
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When two people sit in the same car seat. Seat warmers may or may not be involved.
Did you and him hook up last night?

by palmarryme November 22, 2011
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something thats fun, but can lead to misunderstanding and broken hearts.
I hooked up with him a few times but apparently we aren't gonna go out.
by beenusedafewtimes March 10, 2005
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having sex with someone or pashing someone
ive had so many hook-ups i cant even remember who i lost my virginity to.
by ya mom November 18, 2006
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1. get "perks"; as applied to college athletes;

2. have connections; for getting preferential treatment
1. The college students got "hooked up" and all received mopeds to cruise around campus

2. He was "hooked up" and could get into the movies free.
by Jan Winning September 13, 2005
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The thing you do or want to do with that cute friend your sister has over allot that's a year younger than you, or maybe it's the freshman that sits across from you on the bus and you feel her eyes on your ass or maybe she's your bosses new know who I'm talking about... the tan one with the nice ass that sits there and plays with her hair in a seductive manner and looks at you 1/2 second longer than anyone else, quiet, mysterious, and seductive probably thinking of some dirty things. When no ones around you draw blanks on what to say and you play the "let's not get caught looking at each other" game. You both want to have ridiculously rough sex in a very kinky way but don't for some obvious reasons.
Dean: who do you like Tim?
Tim: idk but there's this girl in my study hall that I want to Hook up with. I can feel her seductive eyes on me.
Dean: your weird sometimes man....
Tim: nah she wants my cock brah
by CTU_FieldAgent200 November 1, 2010
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"Intentionally Ambiguous" - literally
Phrase is intentionally misused when talking about the relationship between two people.
Jack and Jan hooked up yesterday.
by JMCI June 25, 2005
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