A strange green thingie that is very strange and do you know where it comes from? I actually don't KNOW..
It's just a alien frog=alien
Dude1: look at that dude he dan tie his shoe laces without help!
Another dude: he's just a fucking frog brah
by Nauwale March 24, 2018
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"Do you have any plans this Saturday? I want to go clubbing"
"Yes, definitely! But we have to go to a good one, I don't want to frog"
by frogster April 11, 2013
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A sadistic contest where two people repeatedly hit eachother, generally in the shoulder (sometimes on the leg or arm), until one person can no longer take the pain.
"Dude, Kurt and I were frogging last night. He frogged me so bad I can't even lift my arm."
by The Obnox May 19, 2009
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The act of laying belly down with your legs flat behind you. Arms forward, head down. Effectively flattening your butt, and you look like a frog.
Hey, your frogging. My dog is frogging.
by AlmightyDogGod January 21, 2012
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shscbjhbs shcbsjhbs shdcbsjdbc eyruegf ewbcjsd dchbsjcbjaas chbsdcjsd ergvhghdhs sahcjas dshbvdvbjs dshcbdsjbc!. chsdcbjhds, shdjcbsdj hddsuyeu hbdcb dhbcjsd. djcbjhsd hrscdbj sdchbsdjcbsd dschbdsjc - dshcjdsbchbhc ddhcsj dshgsc cshbx swqdrqs revfjksdcns sahcvj cyegbsdcb shcvjas schvsac rhjhb dsghvcghsa!!. 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸
"shx dschbvdshjc Frog"
"Frog dsjcbs dschjbs jhscjsd!"
"sxnsjs Frog dkscjkds eifufy"
by bradleysheadissick September 20, 2023
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*sees the frog*

"Oh shit, hell no! hell no, I'm gonna die!"

*runs his skinny ass to the staff house*
by Mosie Moe June 22, 2018
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A Porsche 911. Typically used in southern hip hop especially trap music
by Godzac March 10, 2019
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