A red-headed male that works in a deli, drives a red sports car, and lives on fried chicken & slice n bake cookies. Would rather eat fried chicken than hang out with his gf. Likes to ignore the phone when it rings but then pretends he isn't doing anything awkward when he calls back. Wears two shirts at all times (including in the shower and when swimming). One excpetion is in the back of the Rav.

Likes other men who own ducks. Will not readily admit to that. But it's true.

The equivalent of an Irish guido.
deli workers, kids with flow, driving mitsubishi's, setting them on fire, THE flame, eating cookies, feeding them to tall birds
by i<3bells December 13, 2009
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One of the pioneers of melodic death metal (although it resembles more of a melodic "thrash" than "death" metal). They became a band kids recovering from nu-metal/mallcore would quickly pick up on. Eventually the band drifted closer and closer to commercial friendly "extreme" music starting with Reroute to Remain, which honestly wasn't that bad. From there, they made Soundtrack to Your Escape, a joke of an album where they forget they were good with solos and replaced their music with generic techno and nonsense nu-metal noise. Some people will excuse them and say, "the band needed to change, do you want them to recycle the same album over and over?!" while non-stupid people can simply see a bland desperate attempt to be the next Linkin Park here. Maturing your sound and conforming to market-researched music are two different things people! Thus another blatant sell-out band is born.
Kids who think they're cynnical about Linkin Park and listen to the new In Flames are funny for obvious reasons.
by Jose Angeles December 12, 2004
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pertaining to food: anything that tastes good. delicious. awsome flavor.
1. Dude, taco bell is flame! 2. That burger was so flame. 3. where them flame cookies?
by Scollins June 5, 2005
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When something good has occurred, this expression should take place to show that u have recognised the fact that something good has happened.
Can be done in a calm voice or in a very enthusiastic/excited voice.
Daniel's friend decides to cook a great meal for him: Daniel then says: "Flame-On"

Daniel's football team has just scored an amazing goal to win the game, and he then says: "Flame-ON"

Daniel Finds out that 3 beautiful women want to model their bikinis in front of him, he then says: "FLAME-ON"
by Daniel January 31, 2005
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A lighter When used to burn weed when rolled up, packed in a bowl, or bong.
yo pass that flame so I can light this bud.
by Don Magic November 18, 2009
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1) shit talking (usually the product of a moronic person)

2) the product of fire
"Dis bitch kept flamin me on deeze internet forums meng"
by kid June 19, 2003
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A japanese boyband. The original members are Yusuke Izaki, Hisato Izaki, Yu Kitamura and Kyohei Kaneko. But on Sepetember 2004, Kyohei decided to leave the group and does a solo career. Therefore, they add a new member which happens to be a friend of the Izaki twins, Seigo.
FLAME is a cool yet lacking in releasing CDs band
by Kerry April 24, 2005
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