is a complete bad ass that loves to smoke bud
dude your an edes man
by red neck kiddo May 13, 2008
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The last zombie remaining in a round of Nazi Zombies in Call of Duty World at War. Preferably, Ed has no legs which have been blown off by a grenade/molotov coctail. (occasionally a ray gun). The purpose of an Ed is to rebuild any broken barriers and take draws from random weapons box. (in shino numa it may be used in order to grab perks from other buildings)
"Watch out! Ed's coming!"
"I'm out of grenades!"
"ok you distract him i got a molotov"
"nice shot lets rebuild now"
by Mr. Ballloon Hands August 7, 2009
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Egg Donor. A term divorced men use to describe their manipulative and pathetic ex-wives who provided them with a child and shortly after filed for divorce. AKA "Wilbur" "Permanent Nanny" "Leach"
Ed wants me to have the kids this weekend, but I don't want to disrupt the plans I have with my new girlfriend.
by kramerVSkramer February 3, 2011
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You’re so fucking aggressive dude. You’re really nice but you probably killed like a bunch of dudes just cause you had a little mood swing. I love your eyes. Puncs will hunt you down. Probably spends weekend in Beauty parlour or some shit
Wtf that Dude is do aggressive. Oh nvm That’s Just Edem
by Sss2121 June 12, 2018
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explosive diareha. this is a result after a large meal of beans and ex-lax
Amy was in need of a new toilet because of her bad case of ED. She blames on her mother-in-law's cooking.
by XD_noway January 18, 2009
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When you type a simple word into the Google search bar but come up with a definition full of complicated words that you have to look up.
Guy 1: Dude, I looked up the definition of said, and it included the word participle!
Guy 2: Ooooh, Google just a-ed you!
Guy 1: (sigh).
by DaPwettyPwincess September 2, 2018
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Slang for: It is what it is

People who resort to humor in unpleasant or inconvenient situations usually respond with this.


Used by people who are very calm or chilled about situations whereas other people would normally freak out or overreact.
John: "Hey dude, heard your ex smashed you car window."

Greg: "EDs what EDs fam, EDs what EDs."
by Mightyton April 17, 2020
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