A deed carried out by a man who pounds a girls GUTTA for a short period of time. After the sex, the man promises to call the woman back but instead, drives of.
Woman: "Call me"

Man:"Yer sure.....not (drives away) drive by baybay
by i Con dom ur actions July 25, 2009
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To check out the smell of a girl's pussy before you start to go down on her. Involves moving your face across her whisker biscuit and sniffing. If it smells like fish you don't go any further, if it smells good you dive in.
"Steve checked out Joan's pussy by doing a drive by first".
by Steve Williams February 27, 2005
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Slapping someone in either the face or leg with a semi-erect penis
shit, i hate when i get a drive by, now i have drive by juice all over me
by Oliver Mansfield May 8, 2004
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The game of ordering, paying, and picking up your food through a drive-through without stopping. -10 Points if your car stalls.
"Are you doing a drive-through drive-by?"

"I really hope they don't ask if we need napkins cause we've gone too far..."
by JoElaine February 3, 2010
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when your boss or co-worker stops by your desk to talk to you about things instead of scheduling a meeting with you, especially when that boss or co-worker interrupts a meeting you're already having to talk to you.
Norman got a drive by from the CEO while we were having our weekly meeting, and now we have 2 more projects to complete by the end of the year.

by amphora October 25, 2006
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This is a signature move at a special or dirty massage parlor during your last 5 minutes the masseuse will perform a drive-by; meaning gently brush your junk a few times with the back of her hand as she massages your legs. This causing a massage boner. She then asks " Would like me to finish that off for you?" Of course then the extra fee negotiation begins as no man can resist once the boy is at full attention.
Bryan: Holy shi*t. Went to this massage place last night and the chick gave me sweet drive-by. I was pointing true north after that.

Dwayne: Well did she finish it off?

Bryan: Yeah she did, for an extra 15 bucks.
by Paastastic7 June 14, 2013
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when a girl quickly insert a finger in a mans ass during sex
dude:how'd ur girl get a broke nose?
dude2:she gave me a drive by and i didnt like it to good
by Masta Dragon Red June 26, 2004
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