Political slang for the far left with strict adherence to freedom of speech, equality, bodily autonomy, compassion for their fellow man, and are completely anti-war. Usually ex-Democrats, fed up with government corruption, the 'woke' society of liberals, and abhor the military industrial complex. Very close to the ideology of the 60's hippy and civil rights movements, and a distrust for the establishment, and the police.
Jimmy Dore is a prominent figure of the dirtbag left movement.
by Trans-AmIam February 3, 2023
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An extreme wanderlust brought on by one or more intensely enjoyable experiences with outdoor activities (climbing, hiking, kayaking, snowboarding, cliff diving) that results in greatly reduced productivity as most of your time at work is spent actively wishing that you were back outside, per the dirtbag lifestyle.
Brian used to be so hard-working and down-to-earth, but after his friends took him ski-mountaineering, he's come down with a serious case of dirtbag syndrome.
by dangerCake September 11, 2014
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Following No-Shave November, this is the month when careless facial hair becomes Shagadelic.
Harvey: Dude, you haven't shaved in like 2 months.
Nigel: I enjoyed NoShave November so much I decided to keep the party going for Dirtbag December!
by WaffleSchnuget February 7, 2010
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A teenager typically around the age of 15-17 who doesnt give a flying fuck what you think about them. They usually have a "weird" taste in music consistent of mainly metal genres. Teenage Dirtbags tend to spend a lot of time in there rooms, which tend to be littered with soda and water bottles. Their clothing can be considered unusual, offten being mainly black or other toned down colors.
Preppy Teen: Man, that loser is such a teenage dirtbag. Look at them, dumbass is smoking weed in a public park, their gonna get caught.
Teenage Dirtbag: I couldn't give a single fuck if I get caught, I really need a smoke rn.
by Idk wat to put here October 30, 2023
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"i've got two tickets to iron maiden babyyyyy come with me fridayyyy don't say maybeeeee i'm just a teenage dirtbag baby like youuuu oooooooh"
by eznoob November 5, 2023
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Teenage dirtbag definition is a person in their teenage years does care about rules, does what they want and not caring on the out comes,

Likely to break into a school and vandalize it after hours

Pick up half used cigs off the ground to smoke them

And being a total asshole with no shame or remorse for the other person.
by Feeling_vexxxxed August 4, 2022
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a true dirtbag with some dirtbagness added
You are a true dirtbag knocker, you fat cow.
by slim playboy June 10, 2020
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