leetige gISP. www.cs-servers.co.uk
omg omg i rent from www.cs-servers.co.uk they are soo leet!
by Zephly November 16, 2003
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OMG OMG Im soo 1337 i can HS u!!!

OMG OMG i got HSed u hax0r!!!
by roflmao March 9, 2003
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The established term to properly write in Twitch chat when someone missed a last hit in Dotes.
by Greblock January 2, 2018
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A lifestyle practice by naïve computer science and engineering students that worships staying up late and relying on excessive amounts of caffeine on a daily basis with no regard for mental or physical health.
Linus's life has gone downhill ever since he got into CS culture.
by xuxey March 5, 2021
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omg, omg im such a noob 'l33t' 12 year old gay (from i-14)
Those people from i-14
by Tom March 18, 2003
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An idiot who forgets that there are plenty of PC games out there that are infinitely better than Half Life: CounterStrike.
CS players are homo fags
by former penguin March 5, 2003
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