Any person who has become so delusional about the supposed benefits of "rail" transit that they "have to have it", regardless of the excessive costs involved. Many Choo-Choo Buffs are more concerned about creating TOD (Transit Oriented Development) opportunities for their friends and political supporters than they are in actually providing the best transit system for commuters.
The only people insane enough to want to increase taxes to pay for a rail transit system are the Choo-Choo Buffs!
by Adam Funkster April 13, 2009
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A choo-choo nigga is a group of dark skinned (ie. black) people who like to dance the conga in the street. Especially common in Palma de Mallorca, where daily choo-choo niggas walk the streets singing and dancing to their ryhtms.
This is the music prefered by choo-choo niggas "Choo-choo-choo, cummon and do the conga!",
by Aniram August 17, 2006
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When you begin by gently fisting your partner, imitating the connecting road of a steam train(link from the engine to the wheels). Slowly picking up speed much like a train itself. Once you have reached maximum speed you can manage, you yell CHOO CHOO, spouting two glorious arks of semen vertically in the air to mimic the puff of steam.
I Choo-Choo Trained my girlfriend so hard last night, she loved it, she didn't stop screaming the whole time.
by Fohgrham April 24, 2018
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Choo, aka The Choo is the name for an un-official fan site for the grammy award winning band Train.
Have you guys seen the Choo today?
by TimLovesChoo December 13, 2009
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That act of peeing on your partner will making train noises and yelling that you are "Thomas the tank Engine"
Golden Choo Choo me!
by Yallowlover September 29, 2016
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An exclusive rockin' car club hosted by DJ Caboose. A normal club choo choo night consists of being greeted by DJ Caboose himself, a walk onto the red carpet into the club where you will see strobe lights and glow sticks and have the time of your life.
Lets go to club choo choo!
by oohnooitzro April 3, 2008
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