Hey Kent, why don't you throw me a bone. It's been a tough day.
by CEO, BFCK, LLC October 10, 2013
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Bones refers to any underground game that is used to gamble illegally.
Can be:
- Dominoes
- Dice
- Cards
1. 'Gangsta's playin' bones in the hood.'
2. 'The bones came up 'snake eyes'...I lost my money.'
3. 'Jimmy lost a large game of bones and was later shot.'
by Diego November 27, 2003
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When one lacks an erection (typically males).
Woman: Why won't you make love to me?
Man: Sorry, gotta no-bone.
by That2metertitan July 9, 2017
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A towering monstrous individual that roams around the North West of England, parading his deformed genitalia.
Simon: OMG it's the Bone.. What do we do?
Craig: RUN!!!!!!
by InformativeGoat November 2, 2011
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To have sex with, ususally a woman.
"I'd love to bone her"
by Dana Mix August 18, 2003
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successfully punking someone, juking someone, fucking someone up, or ditching someone. from the insane clown posse's song the bone.
jon: did you see the fight last night?
BD: yeah, Paul got the bone
by aint gettin the bone February 15, 2010
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I've changed my mind, forget revising I'm going out tonight instead"..."Bones
by Mango5 June 2, 2011
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