n. A fat asshole who is an angry drunk that abuses woman.
Take away Luke's beer, he's being a biff, a drunk angry asshole.
by Dumontdick June 26, 2006
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(VERB) To borrow with no intent of returning, to spend all gas money on reese's, dip, four loco's, alchol, beer and/or scratchers.
Yo can I biff a dip bro?

Yo I can I biff food from you?
by scrawning gigantor July 8, 2011
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When you fall off your skateboard. Falling really hard off your skateboard.
Yo, that dude just biffed trying to nollie trey that 10 set
by Piffman October 22, 2004
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"Mate, it was 'angin, she just stood there and got her biff out"
by JonnehG April 19, 2008
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a derogotory term for a fat woman. Who has a pouch of fat in the front that gives her the appearance of having two butts. BIFF = Butt in the Front
ABE: Look at that butt in the front

George: whoa she's a biff
by el presidente McCheese August 7, 2006
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An unexpected force that catches you by surprise thus, it is unexpected.
Batman biff a man on a boat in the old movie, kind of like POW or SMACK.
by faceplantofthebiff May 4, 2010
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1. a biff is someone who thinks they are really good at everything but in reality, they are actualy quite shit at life

2. in plain english, a fucking retared and mass produced waste of human seed
Tom : hay man you alright
Aaron:yer im good cheers
Tom :ah mate, i was working in kfc earlier and this fucking biff strolled in and orderd practicaly the whole menu
Aaron: what a biff
by xazarac November 25, 2009
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