The smartest, cutest, most wonderful person you'll ever get the chance to meet.
Max is my Wise Girl.
by CamiloTheDragon January 16, 2021
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Ants favourite celebrity was Dennis wise, he was a very small man!”
by Banterz November 25, 2017
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'''Mason Wise'''

== Phase 1 YOuth ==

Mr. Wise was born in 1782 on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. While there, he loved goffers. he was raised by the notorious poopy bird. He loved dandilions, which inspired his grammy award winning book, dandilion hoppings.

== Phase 2: The Jetsons and Clamidia ==
After leaving the island on a small sail boat, he went to audition for the Jetsons tv show. He did not make it. The next day, each Jetson was found dead. Police are still looking for suspects. After accidently falling into a volcano, he met his lover, Gina Clamidia.
Unfortunately, she died. He left the volcano.
He found a strange monkey in a tree, and it told him, "You will right a song about Harold the monkey, so he can finally get some." Mr Wise wrote the song, but Harold never got some. After accidentaly walking into a power plant, he fell into a bowl of nuclear nachos and found he had super powers, the power to be gay!!! But then he realized, it was just the cocaine.

== Phase 3: snafu ==
Wise tried to become a UFC fighter, but he was kicked out when he tried to do a wet willy to Jack black. Then some fans of his song "harold the monkey, come give him some" came to start a band with him. It sucked. then he tried to be the stand in for charlie brown on the christmas special, but he was kicked off for being a puppy puncher. he realized he sucked at music and acting, so he stole some gold from his best friends wife and sold it to cash for From this he got $7.48, a free taco at taco john's, and a date with the six flags old guy. He realized that Gina Clamidia wasnt the love of his life, this old dude was, at least thats what he thought until the old guy stole his free taco.

== Things get better ==
not really

== Phase3.5 ==
he realized his life sucked, but then something happend!

== Phase 4!!!!! ==
he saw something he hadnt seen in years, a dandelion! he forgot how much he loved them, so it inspired him to write a book, which he titled "Dandelion Hoppings". It sold millions.

== Phase 5 ==
He lives with his pet rabbit mr. ralphie in st. louis. He is currently working on the sequal to his book, "Dandelion Hoppings 2: Plunder!".
poop M Wise talk.
by the notorious poopy bird June 29, 2009
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Some one who cant go 2 days with out playing league and has an amazing beard. legends say that he is able to hear kyle frandsen from his house, and he beats little Asian kids with pillows every night. he is also associated with eric.
WOW that guy is such an andrew wise
by The Geeko December 11, 2013
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1. A smart aleck.
2.One who makes snide, sardonic and concieted comments and genereally acts like an arrogrant bastard.
3. The best retort ever.
Person 1: Hey you idiot.

Person 2: Oh, a wise guy, eh?

Person 1: What?

Person 2 (aggressively): I said wise guy!
by not a wise guy September 7, 2006
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awise guy is a member of this thing of ours, more commonly know as the Italian Mafia. not neccessarily a made guy but you got to have association widem.
"That guy living down the road, he's a wise guy, he's untouchable"
by Wise Guy? April 9, 2009
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I became street wise while hitchhiking the US after graduating from college in the late '70's. Learned plenty from people I met, and here's my resulting definition:

Street wise people are aware of their surroundings and nearby people, sense and avoid walking in places of high risk, and proceed out of them with a confident stride.
Being street wise, Mike notices risky areas by tip offs such as use of razor wire, cameras, and graffiti. He avoids walking too close to hiding places alongside buildings or other areas when in marginal or dangerous areas.
by tekim February 6, 2017
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