James is such a cheap skate he has to smoke pakis ankles
by jordayy March 5, 2008
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A pair of socks that cover the foot and cut off just above the ankle
Kiersten : Last night me and Jake had sex for hours in our Ankle Socks!
Kaylee : Oh God! Here We Go!!!
Steve : Yeah me and Chad like to fuck in our Ankle Socks too! Sometimes he almost needs A tube sock when were done cause of all the cum he produces!
Kiersten : Oh Good Lord!!!
Kaylee : You just had to talk about your Ankle Socks didn't you!
Kiersten : Im sorry me bad!
Steve : Im pretty sure Chad likes my hot pink Ankle Socks the best cause it usually gives him an instant boner!
Kaylee : That's Enough Steve!
Steve : Then again he might like my regular pink ones the best cause he say's they remind him of Kiersten!
Steve : Wow Kaylee you sure look cute in your Ankle Socks today! (Wink)
Kaylee : Kiersten im gonna kill you!
Steve : My Ankle Socks kinda smell today since I haven't washed them in weeks!
Kiersten : Don't bother killing me Kaylee im gonna kill myself!
by SlopNChop August 11, 2018
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Panties. This is because panties are often found wrapped
around the ankles during sex.
For blondes, panties are better used as ankle warmers since
they are so rarely found around their waste.
by Gnomercy October 2, 2006
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James is such a cheap skate he has to smoke pakis ankles
by jordayy March 5, 2008
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A man who owns a very large penis.
Or has very short legs and an average sized penis
Mini-me is the owner of an ankle spanker!
by Johnboy January 3, 2005
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Ravers Ankle is a condition usually caused whilst throwing shapes or skanking in a wet location such as a foam party or booze cruise. It is similar to a lateral ankle sprain but the sufferer may not know that they have it till the following day when they are extremely hungover and unable to walk.

Symptoms include inflammation of the ankle as well as a stomach ache and headache (they are more related to the hangover).
Matt: How was the booze cruise?

Sam: It was sick, got absolutely wasted and threw shapes for 6 hours. But my ankle is killing me!

Matt: Whats the matter?

Sam: I have Ravers Ankle, check this shit out?

Matt: Ouch, looks painful
by FatSam80085 July 31, 2009
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i small tuft of hair on the back on one's leg, inadvertently missed when shaving.
"While sitting outdoors at Starbucks, having coffee with my friend Cathy, i thought a small bug had landed on the back of my leg. But no. it was just my ankle-mullet wafting in the morning breeze."
by druq May 15, 2012
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