The sequel to the ever popular Alabama hot pocket!!!!!!
Even better than the first one.
To begin this dangerous maneuver begin as you ususally would, however this hot pocket has extra filling! FILLING!!! because its the girls time of the month. If you have crabs just think of it as seafood filling. gonorrhea may result in extra cheese, and for that extra crunchy texture leave your shat log in the sun for an hour.
Mike: Hey Michelle you wanna alabama hot pocket?
Michelle: nah that "shit" is old news...
Mike: What about the sequel?
Michelle: Sequel?
Mike: Yeah the alabama hot pocket 2
Michelle: OH BOY!!!!!!SHAT IN ME!!!!!!!!!
by Element547 June 12, 2008
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Just as the name suggests. This masturbatory act consists of performing an Alabama Hot Pocket on a fleshlight. Often done because no one wants to be on the receiving end of an Alabama Hot Pocket.
Dear diary, I didn't want to give my bird a UTI so I snuck into the bathroom while the family was watching a movie and proceeded to have a Fleshlight Alabama Hot Pocket
by Just Another Retarded Anon October 24, 2016
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It is when during sex you shit in a Females vagina and you proceed (optional) to fuck it with your dick or fingers.
Naw bro, I can’t go to the party. I will be giving Jessica and Alabama Hot Pocket
by Go fuck yourself, bitch! January 20, 2021
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When you yell roll tide as you cum during a devils threesome
Justin L. just can’t cum unless it’s an Alabama hot pocket.
by TitsGritsnLit March 21, 2020
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The term people searched who were too slow to pause the Buttsmarns video.
Also the act of shitting in a twat!
Buttsmarn gave Banana Girl the old Alabama Hot Pocket. Turns out the hairy hole was her fucken armpit!
by SQuicky July 9, 2019
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