common shop tool in industry comprised of compressed oxygen and acetylene bottles, a set of hoses, a manifold and torch. usually used in metal work.
Enus! drag thatthere damb flame wrench overhere, we got us a brokedick bolt an' I can' get it out.
by jeffrowrench July 9, 2012
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That girl with teeth in her vagina from the movie Teeth is a Wrench Wrecker.
by AnalMonster666 March 14, 2015
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a nuisance, something that ditracts from getting things done. This is a variation on "a monkeywrench in the works" which dates back to the industrial revolution. If a wrench were to fall into the gears of the large factory machine, it would make everything stop.

monkey in the wrench was first used in the movie Die Hard in 1988. In the film, the hero is a cop trapped in a highrise building full of terrorists. After killing several of them, he talks to their leader via a cb radio. When the villain asks who he is, he states,
"Just a fly in the ointment Hans, a monkey in the wrench, a pain in the ass."
by Bobby White June 30, 2008
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When you squeeze a ho so hard she explodes.
I went to hug my girl, but I wench-wrenched her by accident; the funeral is tomorrow.
by Ace Flamingo April 23, 2009
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the stick with the rubber plunger at the end used to force extra large peices of shit down the toilet. see also shit stick.
damn vern you pluged the toilet up again grab the terd wrench.
by josh April 30, 2003
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an oxy-acetylene torch, most often used for welding, brazing or cutting metal
He used a smoke wrench to weld the frame and the table caught fire.
by jack_daft May 11, 2005
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A term used by hunters for any type of dildo, vibrator or phallic pleasure device. The term originates from the "Pheasant GutWrench" a tool used by repeated inserting and then pulled out of a pheasant will remove it's internal organs.

Added to the fact that the "Pheasant GutWrench" looks like a dildo.

Not to be confused with a peasant wench; a cheap prostitute
Hunter 1: Are you worried about you wife getting lonly while we're away Hunting?

Hunter 2: Nope, I made sure she got a few new Pheasant Wrenches for herself. Gotta make sure she's kept content till I get back.
by 24879328792 October 15, 2012
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