An expensive, British clothing brand. Sibling to 'Jack Wills' which is meant for wealthy, preppy-type university and privately educated teenagers- often referred to as 'Rahs.'

Aubin and Wills is intended for the older generation who display the traditionally British style of the gentry.

Tag line- 'Exclusively for the discerning'
Aubin and Wills Mens 'Pyrone Boots' (shoes) = £349
by Kate Ashford May 29, 2010
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also called chilly willy
means to "chill out"
Teacher:I cant find todays class work!-she goes crazy-

Student: Dude, chilly wills!

by randomslang April 28, 2009
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A fairly expensive clothing brand worn by those who can afford it - these people are often called sloanes by people who can't afford it. Everybody goes on about the fact that Jack Wills is cheap, tacky blah blah blah. Well tbh Why the fuck are you going on about it, who gives a shit whether you like or not, they blates do so why waste your time moaning about it.
Despite what you think not all people who buy Jack Wills go Yar and go off to country club. I should know but just to say I do go to a private school, I like some Jack Wills clothing but I don't have any and I couldn't give a shit. You're giving them bigger egos because you actually care!!!!
Oh I love your shirt, is it Jack Wills?


by LiLiLiLiLiLi July 11, 2008
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One who willingly resists masturbating or having sex
1. Prior to donating at a sperm bank it is advised that you make yourself Iron Willed.

2. The Iron Willed have the best sex when they give in.
by Daryl L. May 8, 2005
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a white boy who lives in a treehouse in his moms backyard
hey who is that kid in miss wills' back yard?
hes probably michael wills, he lives in a treehouse in his moms back yard
by 40percentchicken November 17, 2016
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A hugely successful landscaping firm famed for its crazy paving designs and award-winning patios.

nb. Due to a number of court orders, Wills and Bills are unavailable for primary school contracts.
Wills and Bills, for all your horticultural needs.
by willsandbills March 1, 2016
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A 1920s cartoon that was made by Walt Disney that probably became one of the most classic cartoons in animation
Kid: Grandpa I watched a old Mickey Mouse cartoon today!

Grandpa: Which one?

Kid: Steamboat Wille

Grandpa: I raised you well child
by Jaydererererererererererereren November 23, 2020
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