2 definitions by Jaydererererererererererereren

Gatekeeping is when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or who does not have access or rights to a community or identity. The type of gatekeeping I see are the birthdate gatekeeping like “iF yOu wErE bOrN iN 2o08. yOu wErE tHe lAsT pEoPlE tO hAvE a DeCent cHiLdHoOd
early 2007 born (January-April): man... I miss the early 2010s...
late 2007 born (September-December): me too man...
early 2007 born: stfu you had to grow up in the late 2010s because you are literally next year so take it and

mid 2007 born (may-august): all people born in our year and the neighbouring years had a similar experience while growing up. gatekeeping shouldn’t matter
by Jaydererererererererererereren January 21, 2021
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A 1920s cartoon that was made by Walt Disney that probably became one of the most classic cartoons in animation
Kid: Grandpa I watched a old Mickey Mouse cartoon today!

Grandpa: Which one?

Kid: Steamboat Wille

Grandpa: I raised you well child
by Jaydererererererererererereren November 23, 2020
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