A slang term for a marijuana cigarette. Often used during hunting in the Bruce county of Ontario to attract deer who have a scent for the sticky-icky.
Roll me up a few loose deer whistles would ya? I'm going after that fucker I hit with my car
by Tall Drink of Water December 12, 2013
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A fart upon exiting the rectum causes an audible whistle. This often occurs when one is attempting to be discreet and attempts to lean to the side to allow a fart to slip out silently instead a whistling noise occurs. It is often necassary to do a check wipe after a pooper whistle.
I was sitting in my cubicle after eating mexican for lunch I leaned to the side to let one slip out you know instead i just had a big pooper whistle.

I swear to god I had a pooper whistle today that sounded like a song bird!
by Doutydt February 12, 2009
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A Whistle penis is when a dick is fully erect but still curverd down in the shape of a whistle
Im watching a porno and this guy has a whistle penis
by Whistle penisNator February 19, 2018
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a blowjob from a 5 dollar hooker with maple syurp in her mouth
Dam white boy wishes he could get a whistling-canadian.
by abe the jue May 19, 2007
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a device, usually a vuvuzela, used to warn those within hearing distance that grenades are present in large numbers. Proper use of a grenade whistle can be seen on The Jersey Shore
*fat ugly gang of girls approach*
Mike: Blow the grenade whistle!
by IllekGink March 30, 2011
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when someone, usually a stripper, jerks off a cock
You go down to the end of bourbon street to get your whistle whipped for cheap.
by JGJG April 3, 2008
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Not all dissimilar to synthetic clapping, synthetic birds, synthetic finger popping, etc.
It is the sound of human whistling created solely by synthesizer hardware or computer software synthesis. Most frequently heard on TV commercials for various & sundry household products; especiall.

No actual lips are injured or otherwise harmed when synthetic whistling is employed.
The Take Control margarine advertisement from the turn of the century had this horrid synthetic whistling in it. Made me want to throw a large tub of frozen Gold & Soft margarine right through my TV set's boob tube and then suck up all of the glass with a bagged upright vaccume cleaner so that the cat doesn't cut her paws on it! :-(
by Telephony May 8, 2015
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