It is used to express the problem that a person is going through or will be going through. (if it is in future simple tense)
If Mark will be the leader, we will wear in the wall.
We are wearing in the wall as Sam is injured
by Jerome J.S. April 14, 2020
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If your wearing socks, you can let your homie buttfuck you but it still won't be gay.
"Jimmy slided his dick in me. But we were wearing socks and we said no homo so we're not gay."
by Massive PEEN boy March 8, 2021
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This is basiacally all those skimpy clothes that the hoochies at school wear. Short skirts or cut off shorts with half the ass showing. Not in a negative way... I love slut-wear.
I love girls who wear slut-wear

Man she always wears the latest slut-wear.
by Pomai Kajiyama December 7, 2004
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Term for the millions of shirts, pants, hats, wristbands, helmets etc... that portray the image and/or ideas of President Barack Obama. Considering that his administration is more or less a miracle, this is not entirely bad.
Dude 1: "You should of seen the killing I made the week of the inauguration."

Dude 2: "What were you movin so fast that you never have to work again?"

Dude 2: "Barack-A-Wear by the truckload"
by wrightr333 May 7, 2009
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Being cranky as if on their period, or actually on their period.

Made from the fact that some people wear sweatpants when on their period and are cranky when PMSing.
Example 1:
Person 1: (chatting profanity online)
Person 2: are you wearing sweatpants today?

Example 2:
Person 1: (playing Call of Duty) DUDE WTF CAMPER NOOB stfu gtfo!!
Person 2: It's like you're wearing sweatpants whenever you play COD.

Example 3:
Person 1: My mom gets pissed off every time I do something lately.
Person 2: She must be wearing sweatpants.
by 12dan4 December 12, 2011
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