It is a word used to describe a girl who is a nice slut. Slut is too much of an offensive word to call such a nice girl by just because she hooks up with many guys.
A: Penelope is such a slut.
B: No she isn't! She's a waffle.
by ShuffleSpot February 5, 2012
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v. to hit someone's naked ass with a tennis racket, thus creating lines in their skin resembling a waffle
remember when we waffled dan and then he went in the shower with roller blades on?
by ddo47 January 17, 2004
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Verb - to organize pictures and other assorted shit on a sheet of paper.
We're not going to "waffle" anything. Get the fuck out of my art class.
by WhatDoIPutHereLol June 29, 2010
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When someone talks about nothing in particular that ends up not making much sense.
Usually used:
(1) To fill those awkward silences
(2)When you're very excited and can't put it into words.
(1) Neither of us could think of anything to say so I started waffling...

(2) Oh my god! I was so excited I jsut kept waffling on about nothing!
by Missy August 23, 2004
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1. (noun, also verb) A fart that hits the back of your testicles, tickling them on impact.

That was a crazy waffle I got in driver's ed.

An astronaut waffled in outer space and could still smell it.

by Farnagey UnButtons October 21, 2006
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The inability to decide on something(s). Breakfast waffles have grooves that go up and down, like some people's opinions.
1: What color do you like?
2: Blue! No, red. No, wait- I love black. But I really like blue. No, I like red and black the best. Or maybe, green.
1: Quit waffling and just decide.
by sarah August 23, 2004
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The business end of a framing hammer, which typically leaves an imprint (resemling a waffle) on the lumber which is being businessed. Generally a poor choice for temporary or finish work.
Who used the waffle on this nail? We'll never be able to get it out at strike.
by Wayne January 28, 2004
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