Vampire, also spelled vampyre. Yes, we're still human; (not immortal; not dead,) just with a bit extra as I like to say. We feed on energy.. There's two types: psi (also known as pranic) and blood (also known as sanguine). A person can be both. Sanguine vamps take in energy through blood, they get their blood from donors; who are ready, willing, and have been tested for dieases and such in the blood... psi vamps pull energy out of people and into themselves, through visualation. is a very, very good vampyre support site.
by Kaycee December 26, 2005
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a vamp is a male or female who likes fuckin virgins to take their virginity and appear as a god in the formor virgin's eyes.
God man that vamp was so good last nite, fin-a-fucking-ly i lost virginity!
by T-Dawg February 25, 2003
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To drain something, especially encapsulated liquids, in a vicious or seductive manner.
Let's vamp this pinot noir tonight, posthaste!
by Laraness August 26, 2015
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A nickname for a girl who has vampire-like qualities. One who is rarely seen during the day, gives hickies at night, and has pale skin which is sensitive to the sun.
"Who was that girl you were with last night?"
"Just some vamp, she did a number on my neck though."
by J0EL June 29, 2006
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V. vamp


Vibing to chill ass music (chill hop, vaporwave, bedroom pop, whatever) and cruising in a car at night alone or with some homies

(being baked out of your gourds is encouraged but not required)
"I'm high as hell, it's 1 am, I got a car, let's vamp, boys."
by LordoftheVamp April 16, 2018
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intrans. verb: to kill time on the pc by allowing oneself to follow tantalizing distractions, e.g., to google overmuch
A novelist, being interviewed on "Fresh Air", NPR, said that he used to try to compose on his pc but has now returned to writing his drafts in longhand on a legal pad because it was too easy to "vamp" on the pc.
by handel.lover February 27, 2009
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