The act of traveling to locations that have been featured in popular movies, television shows, commercials and music videos.
I went on a Location Vacation in Los Angeles to eat at all of the restaurants the guys from Entourage went to.
by TacoCorp December 31, 2013
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Sex with your partner that is unbridled and unburdened from everyday life.
I don't know what got into us last night but it was wild - we had vacation sex.
by dooglaas September 10, 2017
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A trip where the sole purpose is to get laid. See Spring Break, Mardi Gras.
After a stressful break-up with my girlfriend, it was time to take a fornication vacation.
by toast455 July 11, 2005
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That feeling you get when a vacation nears its end.
Joe: Holy shit nigga, you best be partying 2day it be teh last day of teh vacation bro.
Bob: No thanks, I got vacation depression. I'd rather sleep all day.
Joe: Fugg mayn, you iz so ghey!! Go fugg yoself dipshit nigga!
Bob: Fuck you, and stop acting black, it's fucking annoying.
Joe: Oh... alright...
by joebobjoebobjoe November 27, 2011
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That time period after returning from being away on vacation to your everyday life and work. Feeling hungover, tired, and unmotivated.
It's so hard to work today with my vacation hangover.
by mrs. chuck bass April 17, 2015
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Pabst Blue Ribbon and a Lime. Made famous in Richmond bars.
I can't afford a real vacation, so give me a Redneck on a Vacation. Or, I can't afford a Corona, so give me a Redneck on a Vacation.
by badger6666 February 22, 2013
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When you go to the same place for vacation and have someone who you hook up with.
When I go to California, I hook up with Shane. He's my vacation boyfriend.
by CosmicRumi May 25, 2014
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