A corn filled turd that is placed inside a semen filled condom, roasted lightly over an open spit and served as a sausage like meal. For best results season with dingleberries, penis mustard, furmunda cheese and garnish with a light sprinklin o' dehydrated amber colored piss.
Hans und Franz ordered two foot long Daniel Tosh's at this years Octoberfest.
by Comedycentral Buffet December 13, 2011
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(adj.) A word for someone who likes to take his/her mothers dick and lather it with tuna fish before shoving it up into their asshole.

(v.) Taking his/her dick and lathering it with tune fish before shoving it into a male unicorn's asshole.
Kid 1: Hey, We about to do the Daniel Tosh. You coming?
Kid 2: Nah man, I got to hit the books.
Kid 1: Alright.
Kid 2: Can i get a check?
Waiter: Nah man. We Strait.
by Doing The Daniel Tosh. January 15, 2011
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An obnoxious, skinny comedian who somehow sucked and clucked his way into getting his own show that makes fun of clips of annoying idiots that post their shame via the interwebz.

Looks like his mom dresses him and still manages to have a cocky attitude
"I bet Daniel Tosh masturbates angrily to retarded midget shizer porn and the Golden Girls"
by ToshedSalad March 11, 2010
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Don't be a tosh wad, dude.
by Sethifus December 2, 2007
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a kinda funny televison show on comedy central hosted by daniel tosh that includes, throw up, fake videos, and offending comments made by daniel tosh.
"did you see tosh.0 last night? it was really gay."
"thats because he is gay."
by herpderple123 August 9, 2011
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