A taxpayer supported middle school student in New Haven, CT exposed to Obama indoctrination through repetitive chant by those entrusted to teach him how to think, not what to think.
I am an Obama Scholar, an Obama Scholar.
by TD123TD June 17, 2010
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Someone who is in school for a perpetually long time, for a scholarly degree that has no practical use in the real world. Usually describes someone who comes from a wealthy or aristocratic family since pursuing such a degree costs a lot of money and won't help the individual obtain a job. In polite societies, may be used derisely to describe someone as a "professional student".
Catherine: Ah Mr. Darcy, the last time I saw you ten years ago, you were pursuing a Philosophy Degree at Oxford. What have you been up to now?

Mr Darcy: I am attending Harvard and working on my Ph.D. in Western Mediveal Literature.

Catherine: Oh that's nice. (Mockingly) You're quite the gentleman scholar.
by histrionic June 26, 2010
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A synonym for a retard, stupid, and dumbass. because they are known for being meathead hockeyplayers so they have poop for brains so when this occurs they graduate and become a Canadian Scholar.
Shut up you damn Canadian Scholar.
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Usually a middle aged person who decides to either

1) go back to school to get their ass out of Wal-Mart or some other demeaning job that you acquire by having a minimum education level of a high school diploma


2) want to "enrich" their boring retired lives/spend extra money taking "interesting" classes to pass the time without actually being a matriculated student.

Senior Scholars usually have no idea how college classes work or how to use the university's on line services. Most of them will want to ask obvious questions in an attempt to show off to the younger crowd and impress the idea that they are still "hip" & "with it". Other characteristics include telling stories about 1) when they were in college, 2) their grandchildren, 3) personal stories completely irrelevant to the class topic.
1) "Well I'm 58, a vet from dubya-dubya two and I'm retired now, so I guess I'm a Senior Scholar," (laughs) "Now let me tell you what college was like when I was young. Ten miles in the snow, up-hill both ways.."

2) Senior Scholar: The 46 year old female office worker who wants to expand her knowledge of the population around her by taking a Developmental Psychology class only to use it as an open forum to discuss her 2 year old daughter Mandy's slow progress.
by Undergrad September 2, 2009
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A school for cool kids and nerds that is a great school
Hey, did you hear about that really good school called young scholars? It has 2 flasks!
by That one oil Boi October 20, 2019
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Someone who knows what's going on in the trap and teaches younger people in the trap about relevant things and how to make money
Bro if you're looking for some guap my nigga Randy is an Trap scholar.
by Hunterisafuckinboss July 16, 2017
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