homosexual trousers worn by men who are not yet liberated from the cupboard! poofs!
"look at that bender in the three quarter lengths!"
by mark10001 June 20, 2005
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- Where have you been, Mike?
- I've just been crimping off a length of dirty spine, mate.
by SusieQ October 4, 2005
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A scat fetish manuever in which one partner falls asleep facing down, and the other partner lays a long "log" down the ass crack between the two "buns". So awaken to a big "SUPRISE!" (a.k.a. Bun length)

Side note: Top it off with your parnters favorite condiments for added flare!
WOW! I awoke to find my girlfriend left me a "bun length chili dog suprise" Boy do I love her!!!
by Lokiikol May 31, 2010
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The true detention is when referring to the length of a big man
Have you ever seen big als length
by Sound sound wkd mc June 6, 2016
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Secret man code for letting your hair stylist know she can cut your hair anyway she wants to as long as she rubs her boobies on you during the process.
What haircut today? Boobie-Length, he replied with a boyish grin.
by Goldthing December 9, 2011
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Having a desire to maintain communication with someone without actually speaking on the phone. Similar to arm's length but more high tech.
Friend: "Johnny's really cool."

Me: "I wouldn't know. He talks so much that I try to keep a text length distance from him."
by Jwil August 31, 2013
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means you got gapped by bus lengths in a race in cars or motorcycles
Tony thought he could take on Gavins Mustang but got put gapped by bus lengths
by 2019ChevyCorvetteC7ZR1 January 15, 2023
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