A reference to a girl you fornicate with but never date
"What's up bro?"
"On the way to get some kool aid man."
"Ahhhhhhh. Alright I'll let you go."
by That high guy October 16, 2013
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A new term for sex so partents don't know what you're talking about. KOOL(TO GET L)AID
"i had made Kool-aid yesterday"
"When was the last time you drunk some kool-aid?"
"I heard that they made kool-aid in the girls locker room"
by Amaysiinqgx3 December 10, 2009
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An insinuation that by beleiving some point, you must have taken drugs to come to this conclusion. It is derived from an act done by Jim" Jones (May 13, 1931 – November 18, 1978). He was the founder and leader of the Peoples Temple, which is best known for the November 18, 1978 death of more than 900 Temple members in Jonestown, Guyana along with the deaths of nine other people at a nearby airstrip in Georgetown. He had poisioned the Kool Aide and to show their faith, they drank it.
Rather than saying "Don't believe him." one would say, "Don't drink his kool aide."
by God's Justice August 30, 2009
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Cheap man drank. "Man you got dat kool aid"
Man get me some dat kool aid.

Who needs da drank, when u gotda kool aid?

Man you gotch red, you gotch green, you gotcha yellow, just add wata!
by Kool aid dokta May 21, 2008
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A fruity beverage most commonly used to bait niggers.
Me- Dude , set that Kool Aid trap up so we can catch this coon.

Bill- Im on it
by The cool cock July 26, 2011
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