(verb) to make a place like your home
nigga1: yo i just banged a fat chick

nigga2: good job

nigga1: not really she's tryna house in my bed
by cdi22le August 31, 2010
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Originating in the United States, housed is generally used to describe the velocity at which one consumes food. It conjures an image of something needing to be housed quickly, like refugees or a family new to an area. The word was created out of neccessity, being the only word/mental image fast enough to describe how fast an American can eat.
"...my friend invited me to go smoke a blunt, so I housed the three pancakes I had and went over immediately."
by Robin Nogs April 9, 2015
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The place you live, don't confuse it with the word "home" as they are very different.
by AudOdd3 February 4, 2021
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House, relating to FOX TV Show House M.D. character Gregory House, plus ness. Houseness is the quality of being cynical and making sarcastic comments out loud without remorse.
"Look at his houseness, he acts so cynical and tells people what he thinks of them, even if it's rude!"
by coolness50067 December 10, 2011
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The most desired thing by people who attend raves.
"I can give you sex, I can give you drugs and what I certaintly can give you is House!...Sex and drugs and House!"
by Tommy May 21, 2004
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to take a severe beating from someone.
I called this dude a dirty cocksucker, so he got up in my face and housed me with a few lefts.
by ricky roma September 27, 2003
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