When someone who you’ve been seeing/in contact with suddenly stops responding and disappear as if they never existed like a ghost.

Sometimes involves you getting unfriended/blocked of social media by that person.
A: So how’s it going with Chad?
B: Not so great. He’s not replying to me or taking my calls.
A: Sounds like you got ghosted.
by JessH95 April 25, 2018
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Peep sharp man..we're gonna have to ghost him if he keeps talking about us.
by Rune August 5, 2007
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(noun) ghost-ing
The act of cutting off communication with friends/family or a love interest in a way that makes you a total bitch. Ghosting often happens online and involves ignoring messages, not responding to invites and making everyone hate you while complaining about how everyone hates you.

Also see ‘how to lose all your friends’
If you’re ghosting me don’t complain about being left out. Don’t be a cunt.
by uisacoldfacedbitch March 6, 2018
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A person from you past that means something to you. Like an ex boyfriend, past hook up, someone you liked. Usually relate it to when you hook up with them and you're telling your friend I ghosted last night or I saw a ghost last night.
I ghosted last night.

I saw a ghost last night.
by LexAgo January 8, 2010
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A username that 12 year old's like to use to feel edgy and cool but wind up backfiring and showing who they truly are (Inbred southerners from Louisiana).
Who just killed me in game??
Some guy named Ghost.
Oh i bet its because hes inbred.
by crash1015 October 26, 2017
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To avoid talking to someone in which you've had an romantic/intimate interaction with.
He got way too clingy after the sex, so I'm going to ghost him.
by Kit Kate October 31, 2017
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The act of suddenly cutting ties with someone you date.

The term carries a very negative connotation. On Psychology portals, ghosting will be labeled as a form of psychological abuse. Thus, some people may not see fairness in using the term to refer to people who have vanished after a date or two, or after a little time chatting over Facebook or Tinder.

They'd rather limit it to people who used it as a coward manner of breaking-up a months long relationship or friendship, specially if a bond was explicitly set to exist, and expectations could be deemed as legitimate and rational.

While it can be that the ghoster simply doesn't care enough about the ghostee to end things right, it can also happen as a product of unhealthy relationship dynamics, such as it being almost impossible for a non-assertive anxious-avoidant type to properly break-up with a lovebombing anxious-attached one.
1: That girl said I ghosted her, but we had literally talked for one night. Ghosting? It's not like I owed her anything.

2: My ex vanished after five months. The ghosting was really traumatizing. We were very close together and he knew how much I relied on him.
by NeitherSummerNorTom July 24, 2020
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