Tesco’s, it is an amazing shop where you can buy lots of stuff from grapes to TVs. Go to tescos it is an extraordinary place to shop X
I went to tescos for my weekly shop
by I have a big brain June 15, 2022
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Tesco, also know as "big man Tesco" or" roadman Tesco". Is a shop well known in england the meal deals are sexy af. best way to use it is to get a naked smoothie for 2.50 as part of a 3 pound meal deal. Personally, I go to sainsburys but at the end of the day you cant beat tesco
Person 1:"Hi sedmikraska I'm going to roadman tesco want anything?"
Person 2:"Oh wait for me I'm coming too I can't wait to go to big man tesco!"
by Favourite child February 7, 2020
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a group of people whom sit outside of Tesco most likely because their banned from the inside and they have nothing else to do. Usually teenagers who smoke and think their 10 men. Dressed like mediocre chavs, waiting for their 17 year old boyfriend who has just passed their driving test and drives a fiat punto with a shitty exhaust and subwoofer blasting that's not me to pick them up and take them to maccies.
Who are the those people who sit outside Tesco? They are Tesco boppers
by 123swagfamxo June 9, 2017
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tesco tuesday is a very special day where on every tuesday, the british public will go to tesco on a tuesday

if ur in slough or mile end tho idk man get a grip ur tesco's are shit
john: what day is it today?
dan: ..tuesday i think?
john: aight, it's tesco tuesday time!
dan: oh for fuck sakes- again?
by ptrlol July 28, 2022
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