spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spamspam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam
That is what spam is. the world would be better without it.
by diarrhea dog November 3, 2020
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Spam, wonderful Spam!
by dipsy oh-oh January 19, 2004
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Would you like to enlarge your penis?

Click here now to receive a 30-DAY RISK-FREE TRIAL!
90% of my e-mails are spam.
by Xizer November 12, 2004
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Spam -- Special Purpose Atypical Meat is a product originating from Hormel Foods. Spam is a combination of chopped pork and ham of unknown cuts and contains 90% meat, the remaining amount being made up from mostly water and also a great deal of chemicals, especially those containing sodium -- giving Spam its unique or more accurately, 'atypical' nature.

Special Purpose Atypical Meat should be utilized when other meats are unsuitable -- this includes comedy purposes, camp buffets and when all other meats can be specifically excluded.

At the time of writing it is not known what the nutritional contents of Spam are, as it doesn't say on the package, thus adding to its legendary 'atypical' status. Truly the mystery meat of ages.
Spam - the original mystery meat
Spam - now with added sodium
Spam - limited edition with the great exotic flavor of black pepper
by BBBS July 31, 2007
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(1.) (N.) Really nasty meat in a can for Project Moms and Divorced, Lonely Fathers. From the people who bing you Chubb. Comes in Spam, Spam Light, and Spamburger Deluxe.
(2.) (N.) Annoying Junk Mail send out in Large Quanities by a man named Ronnie Scelson from Louisana.
(3.) (N.) A classic Monty Python routine that's known for annoyingly overusing the word "Spam" meaning the food like product. It's Ironic today because the E-Mail Spam is just as annoying.
I Hate Spam!
by G-Union January 12, 2004
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someone being a dumbass on a forum and posting useless crap of no relevance or amusement.
"is the time before time."

"I swear guys, I'm not a trool, and I wasn't spamming"
by Garett July 4, 2006
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1. unsolicited e-mail;
dangerous as may cause material and virtual distruction to your hardware and software, especially to complicated and delicate systems

2. garbage you don't want to get anymore
1. my computer seems to be out of balance again, it must be due to this spam I have received recently

2. eh, stop sending all that spam, it only makes it worse
by NoNamess September 25, 2006
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