I soied yesterday.
Soiing yesterday was fun.
by apstuh February 28, 2010
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Noun: One who pretends to be female for months over the internet, and may date a male for power/items/etc, then reveals himself as the male he truly is.

Verb: To pretend to be another gender (usually female) on the internet. To date someone over the internet pretending to be a different gender.
1. That soy ... he's horrible.
by LoLuMaD?!?1 January 24, 2008
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People who are SOIs have no real purpose in life.
by sean` March 5, 2006
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SOI: Spin On It. Derogatory remark or response meaning No.
My boss emailed me to do something. I emailed back: SOI

In a person's presence, it can be accompanied by the middle finger hand gesture.
by Albert Stein February 6, 2008
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The unholy combination of Lima Beans and Soy Sauce. There has only been 15 instances of individuals eating Lima Soy…Sadly they all perished.
I just ate Lima Soy…I now have COVID-19
by YabaGabaGoo December 19, 2021
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What Mclaren Formula One driver, Lando Norris said when he found out that his teammate, Carlos Sainz was moving to another team, Ferrari.

Soy lago is Spanish for "I am lake"

This represents how Norris was sad or in tears when he found out about the driver change.
Crofty: Sebastian Vettel has just spun into the gravel!
F1 fans: Soy lago.
by Sharl Leg December 21, 2020
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