little tiny hot dogs with cheese in them. put them in the microwave and the weiner gets hot and the cheese melts.but if you leave them in to long the hot dogs start SKEETING cheese!?!?!?!

TASTES SO GOD DAMN FUCKING GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the little cheddar smokies is ass turkey.(look up ass turkey and look at the second definition)
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Smoky red sun (also called smokey red sun) is when there's a wildfire somewhere and the wind blows tons of smoke somewhere else, giving the sky a red to orangey appearance and the sun a red to orange appearance when it's noon and the sun should be bright yellow. More wildfires are happening because of global warming.
The wildfires turned the sun into a smoky red sun. I had to wear my face mask and stay indoors to avoid breathing the smoke.
by HawaiianPunch1 September 2, 2023
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Introduced to the Philippines Islands circa February 2008. Since then this unique expression has gained enormous popularity. The epicenter of this idiom appears to have been Balagtas. Balagtas is a suburb in a province due north of Manila.
After getting into the jeepney, Tanya tells the driver, "Take me to the Dunkin Donuts in Balagtas."

Driver replies, "oki doki smoki."
by clearcoated September 26, 2008
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When you make a very delicious breakfast with eggs, cheese, and lil smokies.
Phil is such a great cook, he always makes those Lil' Smokie Omlets. Yumm.<3
by Awesomeness. March 7, 2005
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(n.) The unfortunate event that occurs after drinking mass quanitites of beer or liquor before bedtime. The bed will be sopping wet and lukewarm in the morning. See related: "Ohio Hot Pocket"

(v.) The act of unintentionally relieving oneself onto a romantic bedmate, due to heavy drinking.
1. Yo, last night Seth drank a gallon of Black Bear Ale, and we all knew that we would soon be waking up to the aftermath of a Smoky Mountain Fountain.

2. Oh my god, Shannon TOTALLY got Smoky Mountain Fountained by some guy she met at the brewery. As if!
by Mojo672 June 9, 2007
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The most boring school in all of Western North Carolina. Filled with drama and sluts and rednecks. Wanna be different? Be scene or a band kid.
Mother: Honey would you like to go to Smoky Mountain high school?
Daughter: Do you want me to get pregnant?
by TasteOfSyn December 29, 2011
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dude, im going to hell today

oh you mean Westgate smoky mountain resort?

by Jamie Brooks August 22, 2008
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