1. To verbally insult, dis'(respect) or burn someone.
2. To smash someone.
1. "Should slam him 'bout having no game.
2. "If he keeps talkin shit, I'm gunna have to slam him."
by Diego August 21, 2003
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Its basically the same as "kicks ass" or "slays" or "kills"
Kenny G slams man!
Kicks ass
by Nergal July 8, 2005
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(slang) to inject drugs by use of a syringe.
slamming drugs to get high is the worst of taking drigs. May be at high risk of heart failure and death.
by jackson j May 27, 2006
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1) Punk Rock-dancing in the "mosh pit" - bumping / running into other fans in front of the stage in a counter-clockwise, circular, semi-rhythmic fashion.
2) To hypodermically inject illicit drugs such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.
3) Punch someone very hard.
1) Dude, you can't slam to Pearl Jam!
2) Dude, I don't slam that shit, I'll snort mine...
3) Dude, I slammed that asshole!
by D. Fletcher December 13, 2003
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to bang the hell out of someone during sex
I slam that dick last night.
He slam shortie for an hour.
by mochavixen February 10, 2005
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The act of sex... rough sex with a whore most of the time or a new girl
I was slamming that girl good last night
by RyanVegas85 March 28, 2009
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the act of quickly consuming a beverage.
"Dude, wanna play some Grand Theft Auto?"

"Sure. Lemme just slam the rest of this Coke real quick."
by Cra260 July 11, 2008
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