Means Dont break your friend, co-worker, Co-d's parter in crime . word for nobody. Never tell what's going on or what happen around the way Block,Trap,Corner where ever you at and something happen Keep the Code of silence (C.O.S) it was Created by A group of guys from the side south of Baltimore called Cherry Hill project at the time there was a lot of snitching going on so the Rappers of the trap started (C.O.S) and use to tell ppl let the police do there job.
When or if you ever get court doing anything that can put you in jail or lose your job and you know or seen something that can be use to help catch somebody. You say hey it's a code of silence and we don't break it for nobody
by Covell means "King of All" September 21, 2015
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If you hate when people say "awkward silence" you can tell them to shut the fuck up about it and wait for the uncomfortable silence that comes after.
from Pulp Fiction

Mia: Don't you hate that?
Vincent: What?
Mia: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable?
Vincent: I don't know. That's a good question.
Mia: That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.
by MNCkos August 26, 2012
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Deafening silence- when even the solemnity of silence has become too loud.
Deafening silence described: the point of silence in which one can feel the fine hairs in the inner ear vibrating with the subtlest change in air pressure. Going out on a limb, but the sound of dead proteins rubbing and creating static nerve pulses to the brain at such a lean frequency that the wave pattern is then magnified by your brain to the point of confusion, annoyance, uneasiness, or anxiety.
by deafening silence May 9, 2015
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An awkward silence between two men where one man's masculinity is in question.
When Dave pulled up to my house in a minivan, there was a long cockward silence.
by Vinny Porrello December 12, 2007
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To shut another person up through verbal force.
Usually used to counter another person's burn or diss.

Sometimes said when the user is winning.
Player 1- You lost your sheild!
Player 2- OMG you just got pwned!!!
Player- Silence fool!!! It's just a matter of time til I destroy you!!!

Player 1- I am soooo gonna beat you! OMG you struck my base!!!
Player 2- Silence fool! You are my rag doll for torture and therefore have no right to talk! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
by ZephyrKnight March 4, 2006
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A somewhat deranged, black-humor tinged solution to successfully silence yappy neighborhood dogs who bark at every sound.
Your yappy-ass little dog needs my ”Silence of the Dogs” approach; it works wonders and it’s in my basement.
by Dr Bunnygirl July 9, 2019
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