The deluge of untreated sewage that flows into the wastewater treatment plant. Has been known to carry many seeds, whistles, balloons, and 2x4's and is tended to by turd herders.
Anaerobic bacterial digestion and aeration are important steps in eliminating solids and bacteria from the 'rhea river.
by Sastwatch September 25, 2008
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Rhea County is a small county that consists of Graysville, Spring City, and Dayton in Tennessee. If your in Rhea County in search for drugs, Spring City is your place. Dayton is a small city on the river. Graysville is the home of crime. Rhea County has the highest teen pregnancy rate in Tennessee. Truly a lovely place to live if your on the river with all the nice rich old people.
Rhea county is a terrible place to live.
Nate made this because Rhea County is a shit hole.
by FuckRheaCounty December 29, 2011
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When a males anus explodes onto a willing participants chest and neck which then is followed with splattering of ejaculate around the neck.
Before I was to give my girlfriend a Rhea Pearlman I made sure I ate a lot of Taco Bell!
by Dany Devito October 6, 2014
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This breed is normally a earth friendly math teacher who likes blue priuses, it has man psycho moments and likes to lift weights. It also is a Asian stud who picks up many young ladies who are 18+. Occasionally it wears a mullet to his class to think it is redneck. Sorry for the inconvenience if it comes to your class.
redneck awesome chill math girls man handsom coach rhea
by Seat 24 November 5, 2009
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Actress from popular series 'Cheers'
Person 1: Who played Carla in Cheers?
Person 2: Rhea Perlman
by Rhea xx October 14, 2006
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Diarrhea caused from smoking excessive amounts of marijuana. Usually arrives the day the high wears off
-Dude I had the worst weed-rhea yesterday
-TMI dude thats gross
-But now you know. and knowing is half the battle
by Dr. Rodger January 18, 2009
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