Stephanie reyes is pretty she if kind, short,love taking funny photo, in her life she was a shy kid only love talking to herself into she met that one boy who was standing stairing at her he loved the way she was and he had big crush on her.
So he ask for her snapchat and so the girl added him and he wanted tell her something "stephanie reyes wanna go out with me and date?" Ofc stephanie said yes but made her little confuesd cause that the only boy she trusted and thought he was worth it but she was wrong she was to shy to look at him to talk to him cause she really loved him but a message came up to her saying from him saying lets break up.
Stephanie was shock and sad cause she loved him but didn't show it and later on she start getting trust issuio from being in relationship with someone she trusted for long time :(. And they are still this day .
Also about stephanie reyes she had friends and she love Science class also english.
by 101358066r September 29, 2021
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Cassandra Reyes is very cool and funny. She is 9gagger and tumblrer. omg. Yes she is. She is married with Jack Barakat last 2011. You need someone like her in your life.
Person1: Oh, who's that girl beside Jack Barakat?
Person2: How could you not know her? She's Jack Barakat's wife, Cassandra Reyes. She's lucky.
by Jack Baratitties February 12, 2012
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Oh what can I say. Karina Reyes is not the nicest. She looks like the nicest but she’s a TOTAL bitch! She’s looks innocent but has slept with your man! She says she’s with John but we know he’s not the only one. Tea is spilled...
Karina Reyes is dating John.” -Bryson
“I thot she was with David?”- Gio
“What a Karina Reyes” -both
by Karina Reyes January 28, 2019
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Mario Reyes is God. He is handsome, intelligent, interesting, tall, nice, and overall a great person. If not probably the best person. Anyone who dates him never looks back.
Geez I wish I was Mario Reyes
by Destroyerxslayer November 28, 2018
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When you get mad for absolutely no reason or you are overall sensitive and have anger issues
damn bro, you acting like a whole Winston Damion Reyes right now, getting mad for no reason
by Widows Peak March 29, 2020
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An absolute hunk who has a rizz level of 1000. He is known as chrizzt in earth and can pull anybody within seconds. Even when his drip is shit anybody including men will be swooned over. There is no hiding from this sexy beast. He will find you and he will smash 💯
Gelbin reyes lopez smashed 13 girls last night. Classic gelbin W
by Booty Ass kid January 25, 2023
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World's greatest billiard player; comes from the country the Philippines
Man 1: Dude did you see Efren 'Bata' Reyes pull off that impossible cue stick trick?
Man 2: I know! That's some crazy shit man!
by Antonio October 30, 2006
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